About Harlepengren

Hello and welcome to Harlepengren.com. Harlepengren is dedicated to creators and inventors that love to learn about technology and create new things. This site will focus on coding, electronics, 3D modeling/art and related areas.

If you want to read about our origin story, check out our Hello World post. I started this blog primarily as a resource for me. In order to support my son’s awesome ideas, I am constantly learning how to do new things. I wanted a place to document what I have learned. I also hope that others find this blog useful for either inspiration or learning.

I definitely am not an expert in any of the topics in this blog. Initially, this made me hesitant about writing this blog. However, I realize that this is ok. I don’t have to be an expert. I can share what I have learned. As I learn new things, I may have to publish a correction to what I shared before. In addition, this is not just me, but a community of people helping each other to learn.

Our journey is just beginning. Thank you for joining me on the journey.


What does Harlepengren mean?

Nothing. I was just trying to create a unique name. I started with names related to the most awesome animal in the world, the amazing penguin. I went through various words smashed with penguin, somehow making my way to harlequin penguin and then to harlepengren. I probably could have stopped this explanation with “nothing.”